Scaffolding the New Web: Standards and Standards Policy for the Digital Economy (1) The Place of Standard

When I have tried to find good documents about competition to achieve the standard of measure among web infrastructure. I know there are some cases such as, PCI bus connection of Intel and more. However most of these cases are commited because the player wanted to compete in other market of product. There must be complementarity products.

Now world wide web consists of vast webservices. Many webservices offer only information, and some webservices have no complementary product. In this situation, we have to re-consider of difinision arond standard , standardization and competition for standardization.

I found a book about the process of building standard in the web.

Scaffolding the New Web: Standards and Standards Policy for the Digital Economy

Scaffolding the New Web: Standards and Standards Policy for the Digital Economy

This book is written by researchers working for RAND corporation. Affiliation of authers is one of the points to attract me.

Let us start read and recognise this book now.


In this book approach of standardization is devided into two types.

  1. Minimalists' approach
  2. Structuralists's approach

Minimalists value simplicity and rapid uptake by the user community.

In contrast,

Structuralists value comprehensiveness and precision inf the fear that raugh-and-ready standard will, at best, grow like weeds, making well-kept ontological gardens that much harder to maintain.

Most standard surviving on the web are minimalists' approach.
In the meeting yesterday, webservices which appeal their semantic web approach do not build ontorogy by themselves, but make use of accumulation of words and definition stored at wikipedia and DBpedia. Wikipedia has grown by typically minimalists' approach.

Today lower-case semantic web like microformats has diffused wider than majuscule semantic web. However, now that heavy weight semantic web may find way of minimalists' aproach to build ontology to be used widely.